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Peradeniya University Temple Development Society

We are a newly formed Society engaging in the activities related to the development of the Peradeniya University Temple enabling the temple to conduct Dhamma services and programs conveniently aiming at ethical and spiritual development of the individuals who attend the temple. The society consists of a group of devotees attending the University temple for religious activities. The patron of the society is the chief incumbent of the temple Ven. Rajakeeya panditha Dr. Bamunugama Shanthawimala thero. The Society is managed by an executive committee comprising 20 members.

How You Can Contribute for the Development?

You can extend your contribution for the temple development activities in several ways as follows:

  • By obtaining the life or ordinary membership of the society
  • By making cash donations as a lump sum or in installments
  • Making donations by way of material
  • By providing your expertise or know how on voluntary basis
  • By actively engaging in raising funds and other activities of the society

You can join the society by obtaining the Life membership or Annual membership. For this please fill in the application form (given below) and forward it to the Hon. Secretary along with Rs. 100.00 as Registration fee and Rs. 1000.00 for Life membership or Rs. 100.00 for Annual membership.

For the convenience of those who wish to make donations, the Society has opened the following bank accounts:

Account Name: “Peradeniya University Temple Development Society”. (for all accounts)

Bank Account. No.

Bank of Ceylon Peradeniya Branch 0078725998 (current account)

Bank of Ceylon Peradeniya University Branch 79594976 (savings account)

Bank of Ceylon Peradeniya Branch 78439584 (savings account)

Those who reside abroad and in distant places can make their deposits direct to the accounts and mail a photocopy of the receipt or email the receipt to the society so that we can acknowledge the donation. For more information please feel free to contact the society :

The Honorary Secretary
Peradeniya University Development Society
University Temple

Hon. President:
Prof. H.M.N. Bandara
071 626 2860

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. A. Palamakumbura
071 644 1362

Hon. Treasurer:
Mr. S.M. Thilakarathna

Peradeniya University Temple Development Society - Membership Application Form English Sinhala

May the Triple Gem Bless you!