It is essential that the facilities at the temple are developed for uninterrupted continuation of those activities and services which are carried out at present with great hardships.

For this purpose, we who get benefitted from the temple must join hand in hand to extend our support for the development of the temple. That is our obligation, duty and the responsibility.

Out of many essential development work to be carried out, a few has been identified for immediate intervention.

Immediate Development Requirements of the Temple

Construction of Seema Malakaya (COMPLETED in 2017)

Seema Malakaya is considered as an essential requirement which is linked to the “Upasampada Seela” of Bhikkus. Constructed according to the Vinaya rules, it is considered as a supreme place in any temple. As there are a number of Priests residing in the temple, absence of a properly erected Seema Mamalaka is a great short coming.

Old Seemamalakaya

Status of the seema malakaya before construction

New Seemamalakaya

Seemalaka after completion

Sunday Damma School

It has been a matter of regret, that due to the lack of building facilities, the classes of the Dhamma School are conducted in open air and in temporary huts. Although the construction of a building was commenced some time ago, work has been deferred due to lack of funds at present. About Rs. 5m is required to complete the ground floor of the proposed three storied building with a floor area of 4500 sq.ft. Your generous contribution is very essential for raising funds to complete the remaining work. The past students of Peradeniya University Temple Dhamma School, Perents of the students (present and past) the Alumni of the Peradeniya university, Well-wishers and other donors are kindly requested to make contributions for this important activity.

A half constructed building for Damma school(ealiar)

A half constructed building for Damma school(now)

Access Road and Retaining Wall

It is has been decided to develop the existing shorter access road to the temple from the road leading to Uda Peradeniya opposite the Arts Theater. This access road will provide devotees easy access to the temple. It is also proposed to erect a 137ft x 10 ft retaining wall to protect the building and the road. These constructions will cost about Rs. 4 million and we have to raise funds to meet the cost.

Condition of the shorter access road (ealiar)

Condition of the shorter access road (now)

Development of Infrastructure Facilities and Landscaping

As the number of devotees coming to the temple has been increasing rapidly day by day, it is essential to improve the basic facilities such as, toilets, water supply, garbage disposal, and vehicle parking etc. While the temple premises is converted to a place of peace, calm and tranquillty.